Saturday, April 29, 2006

Overheard at Old Navy

A mom, (speaking to her young daughter): Which dress do you want to wear tonight?

Daughter: To wear to the funeral?

Mother: No, honey. It's Communion, not a funeral.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Who's your daddy?

"Daddy, daddy, daddy,.....," says Hannah when she spots this picture. If only she said,"Mommy" over and over when she saw Jessica Simpson. (Sigh)

Friday, April 21, 2006

Update (For anyone who hasn't given up on me)

Hannah: Almost 18 months, and I can't believe it! She's adding new words to her vocabulary everyday while I'm adding more parenting books to my library. Her stubborn streak is showing, and I've got to figure something out, quick. For anyone who knows me well, I'm pretty stubborn, but I'm shocked to find how easily she softens me.

Work: It's been rough. Not too many crazy gardner comments, which I've missed the comic relief. I am looking forward to quitting after the season is over....only a few more weeks. After that, I get to work at a summer day camp and Isaac transforms into a stay-at-home dad, In the fall, I've decided to continue watching this sweet girl, Katie and another baby girl part-time. Even though child care was not in the plan, these girls are super sweet, and will be great playmates for Hannah. And in the long run, it's less work than what I've currently been doing.

Family: I miss my family and get to see them at my baby sister's wedding in July. We also get to spend some quality time with Isaac's sister and husband this summer. It's been a long time since we've hung out and we miss them so much.

Home: I used to say our old house has character, but I changed my builds character. Lots of things need fixed and will be in time. Poor Isaac, this is more his load, than mine. But we have a beautiful patio, so come over...I love guests! Speaking of guests, our wonderful houseguest for the last several months is moving to her new home at the end of May. So we're taking applications for our next roomate....anyone interested?

That's about all. Just wanted to put something up before I for got my password.