Well, it's been a month since your 2nd birthday and I have to admit, you are no longer a baby anymore. Here are just a few new things in the last month:
-you've been sleeping in a "big girl" bed for about a week
-went potty in the "big" potty (just once, but we're on our way)
-identify several letters in the alphabet (H is your favorite, of course)
-can tell the difference between water from the kitchen faucet as opposed to the bathroom faucet
-throw tantrums more frequently and usually in public places

I know these letters tend to be sappy, so I'll try to keep this one short and sweet.
As you continue to grow, I just want you to know how much your dad and I love you and enjoy each new milestone.
You have brought so much joy and laughter and made me a better human being.
And even though the baby stage is over, you will always be my sweet baby.