How often does the mayor show up in the neighborhood and offer tours about its history?
Well, today's the day for the Cedar Crest subdivision. We're actually on the National Registry of Historic places....or something like that.

Today's even more important, because it's also Isaac's birthday. Here are a few reasons why I love this guy so much:
He LOVES peanut butter and almost anything that has peanut butter in it.

He got really excited, almost giddy, when I started drinking coffee....and even admitted his hope of one day when I would enjoy sitting with him at this cafe table on our patio. How endearing.

His willingness to shred all pride and wear this sweatshirt, lead a bunch of people, and trapse all over Chicago to cheer me on while I finished the race.

He is a gentle, protective, wise, and loving father. It's been such a blessing and honor to see this side of him.

He is a good friend, my best friend. God has taught me more about His grace and mercy through the way Isaac has loved me over the years. I am so grateful.

I used to want others to understand, as I have, Isaac's soft, patient, and compassionate side. Not that others haven't noticed, but now I'm just glad and honored that I get to know this guy. I love you, Isaac. And thanks for loving me back.
Happy Birthday.