Today you turned 4. A fancy, girly, smart, talkative 4 years old. Although in the midst of so much attention today, no one would know you're very talkative. It's fun to observe you in all kinds of helps me understand you a bit better. So many times I'm looking at whatever is happening from my perspective, and I need to stop and try to see it from yours.
You had a princess party. Katie and Addison came over, put on fancy clothes for the royal party, danced, made necklaces, and of course ate cake.
Then many, many more friends and family came over for dinner and cake. My favorite picture is when you were waiting to blow out your candle, listening to us sing to you....I think you were giggling and teary at the same time. I'm pretty sure I was too.
I love you, Hannah. I'm so grateful for my beautiful, kind girl.