Wednesday, February 16, 2005

I'm addicted

I'm addicted, originally uploaded by shmoopee.

One of my guilty pleasures. The assortment bags are my favorite. Who knew such flavor could be packed into such a tiny bean?


Anonymous said...

I wish I knew this a while ago! Steve's brother worked in management at the Jelly Belly factory and we got free candy all the time!! He's at a new job with Bayer aspirin now. And free aspirin just isn't the same. I understand your pain.

krista said...

I'm so jealous! You're right. Aspirin just doesn't have the same draw.

I think the next time we visit CA, I'd like to visit the Jelly Belly factory. Have you been there?

Anonymous said...

i've been there many times. When Dave worked there, he would actually take us on the floor to walk around the candy as it was being made. They run tours up above the action and it is a good tour but nothing beats seeing the process up close and personal. They have a large store and a cafeteria that has jelly belly shaped burgers, pizzas, etc. It is only about a half hour to 45 minutes from our house. So the next time you are in CA you MUST tell us!!