Monday, February 21, 2005

much ado about pot roast

I cooked my first pot roast yesterday. Up until now, I didn't know what kind of meat that was or how to find it among other cuts of meat in the grocery store. But now, ladies and gentlemen, I actually used a roaster and a crockpot to make my ever tasty Italian beef. It wasn't as hard as I thought....but much more fattening than I imagined.

All this to say, little things like pot roast remind me of the new chapter in my life. Being a mom has made me say goodbye to "extra" pleasures, like dining out and shopping, and hello to cookbooks, crockpots, and coupons, but each time I look into her big blue I eyes, I'm reminded it's well worth it.


Anonymous said...

Keep learning new cooking tricks, one day I'll need some advice and recipes.

Anonymous said...

Aw, you're becoming domestic! I never would have thought I'd hear about you using a crockpot. They are great! I have a whole book full of recipes if you need it. Listen to me, I don't even have kids yet and I'm already domestic! Scary.
love you!