Friday, September 09, 2005

former students teach me

Okay, so here I am, reading Us Magazine (really stretching my mental capacities, you know), and I just got a call from a mom of one of my former 4th grade students. Her daughter has just made the decision to be baptized and publically show her committment to Christ. "This is so great," I thought, "that they wanted to tell me this personally."

Then mom goes on to say that Joel, the youth minister, asked her to decide who should baptize her, someone who taught her a lot about Christ. I know, you see where this is going....she asked me. ME! I have never felt so honored and unworthy at the same time.

I don't mean to say this like I'm the one who did the work or like I deserve pats on the's not my credit to take. For a long time now, I have wondered why God has patience with me, let alone has allowed me to work with these wonderful, teachable kids.

I guess I'm blogging about this because I need to let people know I'm selfish, lazy, and not always teachable. I'm also blogging about this because I need reminded that God is working in the lives of people in ways I don't see. Sometimes I wonder how He is working in me....or if I am letting Him.

That's all. Thanks for listening.

1 comment:

The Strawberry Blonde said...

Krista, this is beautiful! I rejoice with you and the angels as another soul joins the multitude.

You ARE an amazing person--whether you know it or not! Your life may not be one that's in the spotlight or full of noticeable glamour, but I'm confident that I'm not the only one who's been touched. Touched by your laughter...your heart that seeks after the King...your servant's spirit...your giving....your friendship...loyalty...etc.

Yes, it is amazing that God would choose to use ordinary people like us, to do extraordinary things. He never ceases to amaze me like that.