for a roof over our heads
for sitcoms....especially Seinfeld reruns
for nail clippers in various sizes: baby, finger, toes
for a gas grill
for warm, steamy showers
for scented lotion
for baby wipes
for the Diaper Genie
for our beautiful patio and the hands that built it
for the Sunday morning newspaper
for Swiffer dusters and the Swiffer vac
for a warm house....well, warm enough, anyways
for celebrating my girl's first birthday
for chocolate cake and frosting
for a reliable car
for Internet at home
for blue jeans and sweatshirts
for the smell of bacon and fall candles filling the house
for hot chocolate with marshmallows melted on top
for comfy pajama pants
for thought-provoking books
for a loving, supportive family
for the colorful view of fall from our street
for Vickie, who rarely complains and does little things around the house, like dishes, bathrooms, filling soap containers,
supplying me with chocolate
for Isaac, who teaches me how to laugh at myself
for Hannah....her beautiful, telling eyes, the way she wrinkles her nose when she laughs, her independent spirit
for God's grace in my flawed life