I can't believe it's been a year. I know you won't remember all that has happened, but you have brought so much joy to our home since your arrival. You are such a happy girl. Your smile brightens up your whole face....we love to make you smile. But Schaeffer is your favorite, he's pretty much the only one who can make you belly laugh.
Right now, you are sooo close to walking. You love to push and steer the walker, but are even happier when we walk you around the house. You are fairly content entertaining yourself. Actually, your face lights up when I put you in front of a mirror. I wish I knew what kind of conversation you were having with yourself. Maybe it's some sort of pep talk. But I sure wish I got as excited when I did the same thing. There's probably a lesson in that somewhere.
Your independence pokes through every now and then. Sippy cups are a new discovery and you REFUSE to let us help you learn how to use it. I mean, what kind of parents are we to not allow you to be the first child in history to find a way to drink your juice from the bottom of the cup? I mean, your dad and I just might have the next DaVinci or Einstein on our hands! Let her work, people!
There's so much to say and for which to be thankful. I'm not as eloquent (look it up, sweetie) as your daddy, but I've never loved as deeply and wholeheartedly until you entered our world. I hope I honor God in the way I care for you as you grow. I may fail you at times, but I want you to know that I am always for you and not against you. I will be here to listen, comfort, and share in all that you experience.
Happy Birthday, my baby. May God bless you with many more.
1 comment:
I will! But you really need to come over and play with her! She's so much fun!
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