Saturday, February 04, 2006

Dear Vanilla Ice,

Awhile ago, a good friend of mine made this great mix CD with which for me to run. She included your hit, "Ice, Ice Baby". Now, I've heard you'd like to forget those days, just like I'd rather not admit I listen to this kind of music genre, but I have to tell you, at mile 5 your song was the wind beneath my wings. Thank you. I no longer will be ashamed of you and I will learn the words to this song so I can rock out at the next karaoke party. That is my pledge to you.

Your not-so-secret fan,


The Strawberry Blonde said...

Whoooo Hoooo!!!! :)

Alright STOP, collaborate and listen....

Anonymous said...

Ice is back with a brand new invention.
Something... grabs ahold of me tightly
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly.
Will it ever stop?
Yo! I don't know.
Turn off the lights,
And I'll glow.

Need I go on?
Welcome to the ranks of fellow Ice fans.

krista said...

My two favorite gangsta rappers, Big Mama and Lil' Sis!

The Strawberry Blonde said...

Now we need to think of a fun gangsta' name for you and we have the next "Salt & Peppa!"