Thursday, February 16, 2006

Violin music

It feels like a Monday.

I have 7.5 bundles of work to do.....about 9 hours of work, if I"m lucky, Hannah and Katie are being more high maintenance than usual, and I for some reason planned a "quick" meal for today that required me to take the skin off of a chicken before placing in the crockpot, which I"ve never attempted before. How do I have time to post this blog, you say? Well, I have a few minutes before I put them both down for a nap, hoping that they are playing hard enough to earn a few more minutes of naptime.

I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday.


Katie Willis said...

Quick meals are never quick! One of my favorite food network shows is 30 minute meals. I don't care what anyone says, those are not just 30 minutes. I don't happen to have a staff who can wash all my produce for me or the money to buy all the pre-cut, pre-washed, pre-marinated foods they use. It is wishful thinking...I am happy if I am done in an hour!

How did you get started doing the landscape data entry job?

krista said...

Vickie: you're too kind

Katie: I agree!

data entry job: there's a landscape company here who sends out several catalogs and I just responded to an ad in the classifieds.