Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I love this week

Yesterday we returned from the Chicago marathon. I know. I'm crazy. But I LOVE race day. Plus lots of people I love came to cheer us on. What a good weekend.

We returned home to eat dinner with my in-laws and Hannah and listened to their weekend adventures.

Today I read book after book with my daughter.

Vickie came by to chat and play with Hannah.

Pete and Janet brought dinner.

I just got back from listening to Sarah Vowell, an author and contributor to a radio show I really like, and all I can say is, I want her to be my friend. We went to the book signing and all I could muster was to tell her my name. I mean, what do you say that is really of any significance in that moment? "WIll you be my friend" just seems a little needy and creepy. But then again, we stalked Pete and Janet and they still come around.

Friday, Hannah turns 2. 2 years old. I am so blessed and so grateful. My heart is full.

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