Thursday, December 07, 2006


I've been watching The Office recently and am completely sucked in.
Have you ever wondered if you were one of the characters, which one would you be? I'd like to think I'd be a Pam or a version of Jim, but if I were completely honest with myself, I'm more of a Dwight....a nicer version, but nevertheless, a Dwight. A depressing conclusion, but I definitely want to acknowledge this fact before others beat me to it. Just my way of dealing with my insecurities. =)


Anonymous said...

Really? Dwight? Shroot? I was thinking more along the lines of Michael. Just kidding!

Anonymous said...

We thought you were more of an extra in the warehouse. You know that lady that wouldn't sit in on the guys bonding meeting? Have you seen that episode?

krista said...

Michael...hmmm...that makes sense coming from my little sister.

An extra, really? I do remember the episode, actually I just watched it for the 2nd time about an hour ago. But come on, I'm at least more like the lady (is it Phyllis?) who rocked karaoke at Jim's party (you know the one who dates the refrigeration guy) my world, I'm much more center stage =)

krista said...

The more I think about it, I think you're right, Bambi. I may be a know-it-all, but I'm even more desperate for admiration & attention. =)