If you want a good laugh today, go to Laurie's (LoLo) blog...I've got her as one of my links to the right.
Hannah and Laurie spent a long time messing with iMovie and photobooth yesterday. Very funny to watch.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey Trotters
Most of you know this about me, but I LOVE races....especially one that is free and on a holiday!
This 3 miles seemed longer than most. Not sure why, maybe the hills or the seeming loops over and over, but it was still fun....and I'm just thankful that my legs still let me run...AND that I have a friend that loves to join me. Thanks, Vickie. =)
This 3 miles seemed longer than most. Not sure why, maybe the hills or the seeming loops over and over, but it was still fun....and I'm just thankful that my legs still let me run...AND that I have a friend that loves to join me. Thanks, Vickie. =)

Monday, November 19, 2007
I showed great restraint yesterday shopping with Vickie at Macy's.
I've been wanting a shiny, red pair of flats....just because. No real need for them, but red shoes just sound like fun, right?
Well, I FOUND them! Not only that, they were on SALE! A GOOD sale!
Then I remembered how often I ask Isaac to refrain from spending....how could I justify even spending $20 on something that is far from a need? I just couldn't do it.
Now today, I've been knee-deep in purging all of our stuff and finding new ways to organize. I have to admit, I really enjoy doing this type of thing....but I've also realized how much stuff/junk we really have....and need to give away or throw out.
So instead, for Christmas, all I'll be asking for this year are gift cards to Lowe's so we can make best use of our space....all to appreciate the stuff we already have.
But I still would really like those pair of shoes. Maybe by this Friday, the price will be slashed even more!
One can only hope. =)
I've been wanting a shiny, red pair of flats....just because. No real need for them, but red shoes just sound like fun, right?
Well, I FOUND them! Not only that, they were on SALE! A GOOD sale!
Then I remembered how often I ask Isaac to refrain from spending....how could I justify even spending $20 on something that is far from a need? I just couldn't do it.
Now today, I've been knee-deep in purging all of our stuff and finding new ways to organize. I have to admit, I really enjoy doing this type of thing....but I've also realized how much stuff/junk we really have....and need to give away or throw out.
So instead, for Christmas, all I'll be asking for this year are gift cards to Lowe's so we can make best use of our space....all to appreciate the stuff we already have.
But I still would really like those pair of shoes. Maybe by this Friday, the price will be slashed even more!
One can only hope. =)
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
As I mentioned earlier, Scott took our pictures last weekend. I asked for lots of candids...so I can't wait to see the rest!

Monday, November 12, 2007
not for the squeamish...
I'm so grateful Hannah has always been a good sleeper, so last night was one of the few nights she was up most of the night...with the flu. Isaac was on clean-up-duty (poor guy) and I was on hold-her-hair-back-while-she-vomits-duty. I'll spare you the details except to say I'll never really enjoy the smell of Kraft macaroni & cheese again.
On another note, we had our annual family photos on Saturday and Hannah was working the camera! Very funny...and I can't wait to see all the shots. Our good friend, Scott, is an excellent photographer and it also didn't hurt that Hannah loves him, so she was very cooperative! I'll post a few pics when we get them back.
On another note, we had our annual family photos on Saturday and Hannah was working the camera! Very funny...and I can't wait to see all the shots. Our good friend, Scott, is an excellent photographer and it also didn't hurt that Hannah loves him, so she was very cooperative! I'll post a few pics when we get them back.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
A discussion we need to be having....
Go to this link.
Keep up with the comments, they're bound to bring up good discussion.
I may be a bit intimidated to comment myself, but this subject is a very important topic for the church community.
Just my two cents.
Keep up with the comments, they're bound to bring up good discussion.
I may be a bit intimidated to comment myself, but this subject is a very important topic for the church community.
Just my two cents.
Birthday Girl

Well, it's the day after your 3rd birthday. You've had a bit of a cold, and I think I'm catching it as well, so we're having a lazy morning....sitting in the living room in our pj's, eating oatmeal, & watching "Thomas."
Your birthday was a lot of fun this year....from the party with your friends where Swiper stole your cake, to Aunt Gretchen & Uncle Chris coming dressed for a fiesta and greeting you with "Ole!" But I think my favorite part of your special day was toward the end. You didn't get a nap and by dinner, you were a bit sensitive and your eyes filled with tears when the following conversation occurred:
"So how old are you now?"
"I'm three. But next year I'll be two again."
"No, honey, next year, you'll be four years old!"
(pause with a very sad realization look on your face)
"But I don't want to be four! I want to be two!"
(growing more upset when sensing we think it's a bit funny)
"Two was a good year, wasn't it?"
(nodding while sobbing)
(more pausing and trying not to laugh....Daddy finally speaks)
"Someday you'll be twenty two! That will be fun!"
"No, I want to be two!"
"Well, I guess you're two plus one years old. How about that?"
A hug and a change in conversation distracted you from this sad realization for the time being.
I'm also sad you're no longer two. It WAS a good year. You now write a perfect "H," read books by heart, "blow" out the lights before bed (thanks to Sammy), ran your first race, comfort your friends, went to your first dentist appointment, count to twenty (most of the time), obsess about Dora the Explorer, flew a kite, saw the ocean for the first time, went on a canoe trip, and so much more.

When I was a kid, I couldn't wait to grow up, finish school, get married, etc., etc. Now, I want time to slow down so I can relish and enjoy each moment. I have especially sensed this realization the day you were born and the day I entered my 30's. And now that I'm watching my grandparents (your great-grandparents) age, I feel even more pressed to take advantage of every moment with those I love.
So, I guess right now I want to remind you & myself to live more in the moment. In the past, I have spent too much time hoping for the future, or regretting the past. Neither of which I can control, so why invest most of my energy on them? Your Daddy has teased me for years to find "joy in the journey."

But I'm also so very grateful that we can celebrate another year with you. Hopeful of what God will teach us this year. And thankful for your Daddy's hard work, our close families, and supportive friends.
And right now in this moment, I'm so very thankful for stuffy noses, pajamas, slippers, hot oatmeal, & PBS.
I love you, Hannah.
Happy 3rd birthday!
Friday, October 26, 2007
the time has come...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Trix or Treats?
more experimenting....
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
guilty conscience
After a few reminders, the girls were STILL coloring on the table instead of their coloring books.
So I put them away.
As to be expected, Hannah was upset.
What she actually said was, "Mom! I want my imagination book!"
What I heard was: "Mom! I want my imagination back!"
So I put them away.
As to be expected, Hannah was upset.
What she actually said was, "Mom! I want my imagination book!"
What I heard was: "Mom! I want my imagination back!"
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
"See? He's her lobster!"
Anyone know this where this quote comes from?
I'm embarrassed, but I'll admit it. I got a bit teary during this scene.
I'm embarrassed, but I'll admit it. I got a bit teary during this scene.
Friday, September 21, 2007
35 months

Dear Hannah,
Soon after I wrote the last letter, something triggered in you that made me very aware that year #3 will be more challenging than the previous one.
-You have this exasperated sigh/groan that you keep using anytime I ask you to do something. I didn't know where you got this until I caught myself once using the EXACT tone you do when you weren't cooperating.
-An aggressive, impatient side of you is coming out and I'm not sure how to redirect your frustration. Then again, I need to be reminded and admit that I still struggle with this as an adult.
-And this poop thing...well, wasn't sure how to motivate you to get to the bathroom in time, but told you we'd get you another Dora bracelet...and then you refused to get off the potty until something came out. Bad timing, but at least I found your motivating button.
(Sidenote: You were so upset when you lost your Dora bracelet, you never would have gotten off that toilet. So we promised to find a similar one regardless of whether you pooped....and Grandma Peggy saved the day when she found the exact bracelet!)

Every stage has had its challenges, but they have always been overshadowed by your fun new quirks and accomplishments.
You love all things girly...especially any pink, sparkly accessories & jewelry. Even better when Dora is somehow attached to it. It's been fun to watch you carry your purse everywhere, insist on bracelets & necklaces, and wear your sunglasses regardless whether the sun wants to shine.

Even in the last couple weeks, your conversational skills have greatly improved. You can explain the details of an important story and have a real, semi-intelligible conversation on the phone. Not everyone has had the privilege to speak with you, but I have an adorable video of your conversation with Aunt Bambi.
Every night for the last month before you go to bed, you ask if you can sleep with your purse or your wallet, even though you know the answer. One night when I beat you to the question, you couldn't believe I knew what you were going to ask. It was so fun to see the stunned look on your face, then watch you laugh at yourself.
Even though I'm sensing a rather challenging year ahead of me, I'm really going to enjoy joking with you and laughing at each other's eccentricities over the years. As long as those eccentricities don't continue to involve poop.....
I love you,
Monday, September 17, 2007
Baby Jovi
Monday, September 10, 2007
my new hobby
One of my favorite birthday memories was helping a friend decorate my cake for my 10th or 11th birthday party. It was a heart with a rainbow radiating out of it....my design, of course. Rainbows and hearts were the few things I could draw...and I drew them on everything. Ever since then, I've always thought about doing more cakes, but never did anything about it. Well, better late than never, so in preparation for Hannah's birthday cake, I'm playing around with fondant.
I made everything from scratch....lots of fun, but the cake was a bit disappointing. The ribbons are a bit sad looking, but it's my first time...it can only get better, right?
Here are my 2 feeble attempts so far:
Cake #1:

Cake #2:

I made everything from scratch....lots of fun, but the cake was a bit disappointing. The ribbons are a bit sad looking, but it's my first time...it can only get better, right?
Here are my 2 feeble attempts so far:
Cake #1:

Cake #2:

If you've ever heard Dora, you'll understand
"Hannah, there's no need to shout. Please talk quietly."
"But I'm a girl. And Dora's a girl."
"But I'm a girl. And Dora's a girl."
Thursday, September 06, 2007
an unsettling quote of the day
Humor is everywhere, in that there's irony in just about anything a human does.
- Bill Nye
I think I've realized I hate it when I find irony, or worse yet, others see irony in what I do.
I must take myself too seriously, because I'm not seeing the humor.
- Bill Nye
I think I've realized I hate it when I find irony, or worse yet, others see irony in what I do.
I must take myself too seriously, because I'm not seeing the humor.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
34 months
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the past, present, and future. I've always been somewhat of an introspective person, but ever since you've made your entrance into our lives, I find I do it a whole lot more....partly because I'm getting older and sensing my mortality. But I believe this introspection is primarily because of my attempt to keep up with you while you grow up, and not miss any teachable moments along the way.

Each little milestone has been such a joy to watch and I'm trying to soak it all in. One of the best advice I heard about parenting is to never wish away a stage in your child's life. Live in the present as much as you can and be grateful for each moment.
I've started to realize we're alike in that we tend to look to the future....to the present's detriment. Your concern about other people and how they will affect you causes you to forget to enjoy your turn. So in light of the parenting advice, here are a few cherished highlights as I watch you transform from my baby into a little girl:
-Your rock star glasses...they are a hit everywhere you go!

-Your first canoe ride, first view of the ocean

-Your first fun run....no pressure, but I'd love for us to run races together someday.

-Your imagination....talking on the "phone" (but still refusing to talk when someone really is on the line), using our furniture as vehicles and boats, playing school and restaurant, etc.
-Your love for girly things. You and Grandma Sue had your first pedicures this summer,

choosing dresses over pants, wearing bows, necklaces, and the bracelet Aunt Bobbi gave you. You've just recently discovered how fun it is to do mommy's hair. Yesterday, you put every barrette you own into my hair.

-Playing hard-to-get. You love to be chased by daddy. Every night, you hide from him and wait for the chase to begin.

-Insistence on a particular routine. Every night, you request the "Elmo" lullaby...a special lullaby his mom would make up each night...so I do the same. You insist on making "Hannah burritos" after bathtime, sleeping with "Sparkly Dora," a tiny plastic figurine, as well as your red blanket and a handful of other stuffed animals.
-Your love of everything "Dora the Explorer." Not sure how I feel about this, but it's completely our fault...we've bought into this whole Nickelodeon marketing ploy.

-Your vocabulary around the house....it's been fun to watch you more easily communicate more of your feelings and imagination. No matter what you're doing, you speak at FULL volume. I especially love how you tell a story and cup your hands up at your sides for emphasis.
-Your sensitivity towards others' reactions. You put yourself out there...people laugh...and you're not sure if this amusement is good or bad. We've been telling you that, of course, it's a good thing. We're laughing because you're cute, but not sure if this is a good lesson for the future....see? I can't avoid looking ahead, can I?

So in light of the future, this is what I want for you as well as for myself:
-Sometimes when people laugh, it may hurt. But the less you care about what others think, the better off you'll be.
-Listen to others. People are very interesting and worth trying to understand.
-When you get a choice, pick the more challenging one.
-Enjoy each moment. It may be cliche, but time really does fly by.
-Making others happy is sometimes more fulfilling than meeting your own needs.

You are lovely, Hannah, inside and out.
Thank you for teaching me along the way.
I love you,
Lately I've been thinking a lot about the past, present, and future. I've always been somewhat of an introspective person, but ever since you've made your entrance into our lives, I find I do it a whole lot more....partly because I'm getting older and sensing my mortality. But I believe this introspection is primarily because of my attempt to keep up with you while you grow up, and not miss any teachable moments along the way.

Each little milestone has been such a joy to watch and I'm trying to soak it all in. One of the best advice I heard about parenting is to never wish away a stage in your child's life. Live in the present as much as you can and be grateful for each moment.
I've started to realize we're alike in that we tend to look to the future....to the present's detriment. Your concern about other people and how they will affect you causes you to forget to enjoy your turn. So in light of the parenting advice, here are a few cherished highlights as I watch you transform from my baby into a little girl:
-Your rock star glasses...they are a hit everywhere you go!

-Your first canoe ride, first view of the ocean

-Your first fun run....no pressure, but I'd love for us to run races together someday.

-Your imagination....talking on the "phone" (but still refusing to talk when someone really is on the line), using our furniture as vehicles and boats, playing school and restaurant, etc.
-Your love for girly things. You and Grandma Sue had your first pedicures this summer,

choosing dresses over pants, wearing bows, necklaces, and the bracelet Aunt Bobbi gave you. You've just recently discovered how fun it is to do mommy's hair. Yesterday, you put every barrette you own into my hair.

-Playing hard-to-get. You love to be chased by daddy. Every night, you hide from him and wait for the chase to begin.

-Insistence on a particular routine. Every night, you request the "Elmo" lullaby...a special lullaby his mom would make up each night...so I do the same. You insist on making "Hannah burritos" after bathtime, sleeping with "Sparkly Dora," a tiny plastic figurine, as well as your red blanket and a handful of other stuffed animals.
-Your love of everything "Dora the Explorer." Not sure how I feel about this, but it's completely our fault...we've bought into this whole Nickelodeon marketing ploy.

-Your vocabulary around the house....it's been fun to watch you more easily communicate more of your feelings and imagination. No matter what you're doing, you speak at FULL volume. I especially love how you tell a story and cup your hands up at your sides for emphasis.
-Your sensitivity towards others' reactions. You put yourself out there...people laugh...and you're not sure if this amusement is good or bad. We've been telling you that, of course, it's a good thing. We're laughing because you're cute, but not sure if this is a good lesson for the future....see? I can't avoid looking ahead, can I?

So in light of the future, this is what I want for you as well as for myself:
-Sometimes when people laugh, it may hurt. But the less you care about what others think, the better off you'll be.
-Listen to others. People are very interesting and worth trying to understand.
-When you get a choice, pick the more challenging one.
-Enjoy each moment. It may be cliche, but time really does fly by.
-Making others happy is sometimes more fulfilling than meeting your own needs.

You are lovely, Hannah, inside and out.
Thank you for teaching me along the way.
I love you,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
If you listen to podcasts, I highly recommend Radio Lab...I just finished listening to an episode on the theory of emergence. This may not be new to most of you, but I must have slept through this part of science class.
Basically from my limited understanding, emergence is the study of how simple, unintelligible things can somehow accomplish incredible, brilliant tasks when they come together, or emerge.....how out of nothing, something intricate and awe-inspiring emerges.
There are a couple things that this podcast left me thinking about. When we look at a beautiful rainbow, examine a small leaf, colony of ants, or a bustling city street, and wonder how such order and detail is formed, a question is raised: Where did this order come from?
Not everyone comes up with the same answer. Is this where faith enters? Or is there more evidence to support the existence of an "author"? Christians (I'm making a generalization, bear with me) tend to quickly put the "God" stamp on the explanation and the conversation ends there. This really saddens me.
Listening to other points of view does not mean we are compromising our own. And we need to be teachable, right? Who's got it all figured out? So many more questions are raised with this theory. Like, how does God interact with the world? Is it more of a hands-off approach? This is such a sticky controversial topic, but I'd love to have conversations with people about this without our defenses being raised.
Another thought this podcast left me pondering was how much do I underestimate the power of a group? As difficult as it is to work and live side by side, I need people. I guess this also proves meetings are more productive than we admit, right?
The jury is still out on that one. =)
Basically from my limited understanding, emergence is the study of how simple, unintelligible things can somehow accomplish incredible, brilliant tasks when they come together, or emerge.....how out of nothing, something intricate and awe-inspiring emerges.
There are a couple things that this podcast left me thinking about. When we look at a beautiful rainbow, examine a small leaf, colony of ants, or a bustling city street, and wonder how such order and detail is formed, a question is raised: Where did this order come from?
Not everyone comes up with the same answer. Is this where faith enters? Or is there more evidence to support the existence of an "author"? Christians (I'm making a generalization, bear with me) tend to quickly put the "God" stamp on the explanation and the conversation ends there. This really saddens me.
Listening to other points of view does not mean we are compromising our own. And we need to be teachable, right? Who's got it all figured out? So many more questions are raised with this theory. Like, how does God interact with the world? Is it more of a hands-off approach? This is such a sticky controversial topic, but I'd love to have conversations with people about this without our defenses being raised.
Another thought this podcast left me pondering was how much do I underestimate the power of a group? As difficult as it is to work and live side by side, I need people. I guess this also proves meetings are more productive than we admit, right?
The jury is still out on that one. =)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Up until recently, I never understood why people go through some sort of "mid-life" crisis. I'm really not that old, but have started to feel rather panicked about all the things I'd like to do, and the reality that life is already busy and limited.
On one hand, I've never been as happy as I am now staying home and raising Hannah. She's been such a fulfilling part of my life and I am cherishing every minute.
But there's this really ugly side of me, the one that cares what other people think, that makes me feel somewhat unproductive and unimportant. I realize that my perceptions of what others think is misconstrued at best, but I feel the urge to prove to the world that even though I stay at home, it doesn't mean I can't do anything else. Pride....that's another really ugly part of me.
On the other hand, what if being a homemaker IS all I can do? What's really wrong with this? I'm very blessed to have people around me reminding me that what I'm doing is very important, maybe the most important thing I can do. But the prideful, approval-seeking part of me needs more convincing. I really want to be humble, and content with being in the background....but it's a rather painful process....and I just wish I could perform some kind of personality transplant; painful, yes, but quicker than this slow process of dying to self.
On one hand, I've never been as happy as I am now staying home and raising Hannah. She's been such a fulfilling part of my life and I am cherishing every minute.
But there's this really ugly side of me, the one that cares what other people think, that makes me feel somewhat unproductive and unimportant. I realize that my perceptions of what others think is misconstrued at best, but I feel the urge to prove to the world that even though I stay at home, it doesn't mean I can't do anything else. Pride....that's another really ugly part of me.
On the other hand, what if being a homemaker IS all I can do? What's really wrong with this? I'm very blessed to have people around me reminding me that what I'm doing is very important, maybe the most important thing I can do. But the prideful, approval-seeking part of me needs more convincing. I really want to be humble, and content with being in the background....but it's a rather painful process....and I just wish I could perform some kind of personality transplant; painful, yes, but quicker than this slow process of dying to self.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
He hissed at me, honest!
So I'm out running this morning....it was the last stretch, a storm was coming in, so it was getting darker and the trail felt like it was more evening than morning.
At least this is my theory on why I saw a RACCOON at 6:30am!! He crossed my path, stopped in the middle of the trail, got up on its hind feet, looked at me for a what seemed like an eternity, then scurried off when it saw a bicyclist approaching.
Thank you, Mr. Bicycle Man.
You are my hero.
At least this is my theory on why I saw a RACCOON at 6:30am!! He crossed my path, stopped in the middle of the trail, got up on its hind feet, looked at me for a what seemed like an eternity, then scurried off when it saw a bicyclist approaching.
Thank you, Mr. Bicycle Man.
You are my hero.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
I keep waiting for something to blog about.
I've got nothing.
But I do have lots of kids at my house this week. I've hardly had time to do anything but try to keep them entertained. Very exhausting.
I'm very much looking forward the weekend. Not sure what's going on, but I'm hoping for some quality reading time.
Maybe then, I'll have something to say.
But who am I kidding? This is probably not the blog you go to for your daily thought-provokation....is this a word?
There you go. Something to think about. Now you won't be able to say I never made you think.
I've got nothing.
But I do have lots of kids at my house this week. I've hardly had time to do anything but try to keep them entertained. Very exhausting.
I'm very much looking forward the weekend. Not sure what's going on, but I'm hoping for some quality reading time.
Maybe then, I'll have something to say.
But who am I kidding? This is probably not the blog you go to for your daily thought-provokation....is this a word?
There you go. Something to think about. Now you won't be able to say I never made you think.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
special request granted
I overlooked the highlight of last weekend! (Thanks, Babs, for the reminder!)
I'm not sure who was happier.....but Hannah ran her first race last Friday!! Here are a few photos:
Putting on her bib number...

We were ahead of almost everyone, then...poor girl, she fell and scraped her knees...

....but got right back up and kept going!

Her ribbon!!
I'm not sure who was happier.....but Hannah ran her first race last Friday!! Here are a few photos:
Putting on her bib number...

We were ahead of almost everyone, then...poor girl, she fell and scraped her knees...

....but got right back up and kept going!

Her ribbon!!

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