Lately I've been thinking a lot about the past, present, and future. I've always been somewhat of an introspective person, but ever since you've made your entrance into our lives, I find I do it a whole lot more....partly because I'm getting older and sensing my mortality. But I believe this introspection is primarily because of my attempt to keep up with you while you grow up, and not miss any teachable moments along the way.

Each little milestone has been such a joy to watch and I'm trying to soak it all in. One of the best advice I heard about parenting is to never wish away a stage in your child's life. Live in the present as much as you can and be grateful for each moment.
I've started to realize we're alike in that we tend to look to the the present's detriment. Your concern about other people and how they will affect you causes you to forget to enjoy your turn. So in light of the parenting advice, here are a few cherished highlights as I watch you transform from my baby into a little girl:
-Your rock star glasses...they are a hit everywhere you go!

-Your first canoe ride, first view of the ocean

-Your first fun pressure, but I'd love for us to run races together someday.

-Your imagination....talking on the "phone" (but still refusing to talk when someone really is on the line), using our furniture as vehicles and boats, playing school and restaurant, etc.
-Your love for girly things. You and Grandma Sue had your first pedicures this summer,

choosing dresses over pants, wearing bows, necklaces, and the bracelet Aunt Bobbi gave you. You've just recently discovered how fun it is to do mommy's hair. Yesterday, you put every barrette you own into my hair.

-Playing hard-to-get. You love to be chased by daddy. Every night, you hide from him and wait for the chase to begin.

-Insistence on a particular routine. Every night, you request the "Elmo" lullaby...a special lullaby his mom would make up each I do the same. You insist on making "Hannah burritos" after bathtime, sleeping with "Sparkly Dora," a tiny plastic figurine, as well as your red blanket and a handful of other stuffed animals.
-Your love of everything "Dora the Explorer." Not sure how I feel about this, but it's completely our fault...we've bought into this whole Nickelodeon marketing ploy.

-Your vocabulary around the's been fun to watch you more easily communicate more of your feelings and imagination. No matter what you're doing, you speak at FULL volume. I especially love how you tell a story and cup your hands up at your sides for emphasis.
-Your sensitivity towards others' reactions. You put yourself out there...people laugh...and you're not sure if this amusement is good or bad. We've been telling you that, of course, it's a good thing. We're laughing because you're cute, but not sure if this is a good lesson for the future....see? I can't avoid looking ahead, can I?

So in light of the future, this is what I want for you as well as for myself:
-Sometimes when people laugh, it may hurt. But the less you care about what others think, the better off you'll be.
-Listen to others. People are very interesting and worth trying to understand.
-When you get a choice, pick the more challenging one.
-Enjoy each moment. It may be cliche, but time really does fly by.
-Making others happy is sometimes more fulfilling than meeting your own needs.

You are lovely, Hannah, inside and out.
Thank you for teaching me along the way.
I love you,
1 comment:
This was like the sweetest post ever!
Hannah Dear,
How about a date with LoLo in December? We can do our nails, go shopping, and talk about boys. :) It will be so fun!
Love & miss you all!
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