Sunday, January 07, 2007

We are blessed

The last 24 hours...actually the last couple weeks.... have reminded me of how loved we are.

Last couple weeks:
-Celebrating and remembering when God became man to redeem us and remind us of His unconditional love
-spending time with all our family....Hannah visited 7 grandparents within one week
-watching how much joy our families get when spending time with our little girl
-playing games, laughing, and eating with dear family that we don't see near enough
-bringing in the new year with my sister and brother-in-law and trying new things (for me, at least)
-Mom driving back with Hannah and I, and buying a plane ticket just to aleviate Isaac's concern and relieve the extra work it is for me to travel alone with Hannah
-hearing that our dog, Schaeffer, seems depressed and misses us (if you knew how I often I "joke" about giving him away, this would surprise you)

Last 24 hours:
-Hannah, my mom, and I were locked out of our house upon arriving....3 neighbors spent an hour and a half "breaking in" so we could be home. In the meantime, Vickie brought food to stock our fridge and dinner for the evening...she even remembered details like the kind of bread, hot dogs, and soda we like.
-calls from friends to invite us to lunch and say how much they missed us and asked if they could help in any way
-Grandma Peggy and Grandpa Tony driving over just for the evening to deliver all the Christmas packages we left with them.

I'm so glad Hannah and I are home, but time with people we love was very good. Now Isaac, you just need to come home.

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