Friday, February 09, 2007

I'm going to lose it

Today, Hannah does not want to share any of her toys, but wants to hit, push, scream, etc. Meanwhile, I'm trying to remember the sweet moment we had yesterday when we were flipping through some of my childhood pictures together, and she kept seeing me, but saying, "Hannah"......just so I don't lose it.

I wish there were some solution or explanation that would magically make her realize, "Wow, sharing is the best thing ever! Mom, you were right all along."


Anonymous said...

This won't help with screaming, unsharing kids, but have you read this blog?:

krista said...

Thanks, random visitor guy!s

Anonymous said...

In the words of my mother in law, "She's two." I don't know if that makes you feel any better. Also, when I had the 2 year old group at day care, they didn't like to share either. Love you!