I know this is a cheesy post, but I needed ideas on what to post, so bear with me! Some of these aren't new to most of you, but here are some unusual quirks of mine.
1. I love a made bed. If I nap, I won't get under the covers...that's for nighttime sleep only. Isaac hasn't always appreciated this quirk of mine.
2. Cheese tastes better shredded or cut in thin slices. I'm convinced thick wedges or cubes taste completely different. I'll tolerate them, but definitely prefer the former....except for the government cheese we would get in our school lunches....I loved that no matter how it was served!
3. I secretly want to be a Broadway star....I'd even settle for American Idol. =)
4. I wish I would have practiced more on the piano....and not given up playing guitar. This skill definitely would have helped me with #3.
5. I google people....come on, you do too!
6. Hand washing dishes.....I don't hate it as much as I did. I can't believe I'm saying this.
7. Soda pop is yummy for any meal or time of day. But drinking water through a straw is just plain disgusting.
8. I like a challenging, deep book, but also read US Weekly....to Isaac's dismay.
9. Games are much more entertaining than movies.
10. I collect and alphabetize coupons.
You're turn! If you don't blog, post in my comments, I'd love to hear about your quirky traits!
I have number 1 too!! I will make the bed, hunt down a blanket, and then nap if the need arises. Once you are out of bed, you don't get back under those covers for anything! Those are for nighttime!
i totally agree on a fun game over a movie!
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