Saturday, June 30, 2007

random observation

I'm sitting here, starting on my 3rd cup of coffee and noticing that Isaac has probably only had 1 cup...maybe 2. But he tends to not finish his drink...sometimes because the temperature cools or because the bottom of the cup doesn't taste as well...or something like that.

I don't sip my coffee. I don't guzzle, but I drink every bit. The taste is growing on me and I'm starting to enjoy it more and more, but the primary reason I like coffee is the energy I feel after finishing the beverage. I mean, who knew caffeine had this AMAZING affect on me! I've been wasting my time drinking soda....too much time. I can't speak for Isaac, but I believe he enjoys the taste most and the lingering routine of the start of the day.

Our different approaches to coffee is similar to other things we do. He likes camping and long (Looooong) hikes for the sake of the experience and just being out in nature. I "like" ("like" may not be completely accurate) hiking and camping because of the challenge it presents....for the same reason I love marathons: to accomplish something difficult and prove to myself that I can fight my lazy tendencies.

In general, I look to the final product or end as I am doing things....Isaac seems to enjoy the process and is less concerned with the outcome. To be fair, he does care about the end, but I think his perspective allows him to be more flexible and open to a different ending....and enjoy the journey along the way.

All this to say, I think I need to start sipping my coffee.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love your insights. I love how you take everyday things and see so much more in them. Keep it up! I enjoy the read!