Thursday, July 31, 2008

20 week sonogram

Well, today we found out that we're having another girl!
Hannah was thrilled, of course, and I don't think Isaac was all that surprised. He has his own theories...feel free to ask to why there are so many girls on my side of the family. But I'm pretty sure science is on my side....that and I've always pictured Isaac outnumbered, poor guy. But won't he be a great dad to teenage girls?! Boys will and should be very afraid.
But seriously, I thank God everyday for the protective father and husband that Isaac is to us.

Some photos of our little girl:

I think we may have a little thumb sucker.....

Supposedly, the three lines are proof we've got a little girl.


The Southern Life of the Sweeney's said...

I know she's going to be a beautiful little princess, just like Hannah! We need to move to Bloomington so my boys can help watch over your girls. And so your girls can tell me what my boys are up to!

Meghan said...

Congrats :) How exciting!! Jacob has said that he wants all girls now. I don't think he has thought about the teenage years!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am so happy for you! Congrats, congrats!


Susan Backer said...

She is beautiful. I especially like the profile of her cute little nose. I'm counting on Isaac to keep the boys away from my beautiful granddaughters!!! I'm excited to have another little granddaughter!

First Time Grandma said...

She is beautiful, I am so very happy for all of you

Lisa said...

Congrats, Krista! So will her name be "Rhonda"! hehehehe