1. Eat more fruits and veges...the m&m's aren't helping you.
2. In the big scheme of things, doing dishes everyday won't kill you.
3. Remember when you listened to music all the time? Newsradio?! Are you 50?!
4. You are so lucky to have a great family and friends who love you. Don't take them for granted.
5. You are lucky you have legs to run. Don't take them for granted either.
6. God speaks in the everyday routines of life. Look for them.
I'll be glad to listen to music with you in the car sometime, because really are you 50?
Also, I'm right there with you about the m & ms
OK, I wish I was right there with you both on the M & M's. For some reason, that's ALL I've been craving lately!
I'm making you a mixed cd of music!
I know, I know, I can't believe I admitted it. But there, it's out there...My name is Krista and I listen to newsradio.
Maybe you should buy a rap cd
You and your "gangsta" rap.....It's as if Elle in "Legaly Blonde" were to listen to it. You're sooo funny!
are you saying i'm ditzy?!
news is good.
but do you listen to talk radio?
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