Saturday, July 09, 2005


Yeah, well, I'm back. I'm not so good at keeping up with this, but I'll try harder, I promise (If anyone is out there).

Hannah: I absolutely love hanging out with her. She does something new everyday. Crawling (actually, scooting is probably a more correct term) and making new cute faces are her new thing. I don't keep up with the photos as well as I should. It's on my list of things to do.

Home: Messy! but what's new? I am so grateful for our neighborhood and a roof over our heads, literally. Isaac has been working on our roof for the last month. Lots of repairs and long days, but it's almost done. I'll post a picture soon.

Work: Working at Day Camp has been fun, and I've learned how tough it is to supervise college age kids (I'm old, I can't believe I just called them "kids.") but I hate being away from home. Isaac has been in charge at home....he's doing a great job with Hannah, but he's looking forward to letting me take over.

Marathon: I am officially in training! Vickie and I are running the Chicago marathon. 12 miles next week, Vickie!

Podcasting: Not me personally, but Isaac and I have met some great people through Blue Dog Banter. I make fun of people who meet friends on the "Internet," but now I've become one of them.

Travels: We are heading to Nebraska in a couple of weeks! I can't wait to be surrounded by bluffs, buffallo, and rolling hills. I never thought I would say those words, but there they are. I miss my family and can't wait for the Hokey Pokey and all the other self-humiliating games.

Family: Chris and Gretchen are now in China. It was hard to see them leave and even harder to see Isaac tearfully say goodbye. We already miss you!

Friends: Vickie's moving to town! Laurie's back in the states! When are we going to relive our college roommate days?

Well, that's about all excitement that's called my life. Stay tuned. More to come. I promise.

1 comment:

Trix said...

Wow, lots of stuff all at once. I hope that I can be a positive sounding board for you as you work through all of your "issues" and 12 miles--piece of cake!!