I can't believe a year and half has gone by so quickly. Everyone told me it would, but I still find myself sitting here, amazed at where the time went. You are doing so many new things lately, it's hard to keep track of it all. Your vocabulary, walking, and motor skills constantly improve. The stroller is rarely used anymore, you definately prefer walking. In fact, "shoes" is one of your favorite words and objects at the moment. The weather has been so nice, we've been going for walks and anything that looks remotely round, you immediately try to pick up and call it a "ball." "Juice", "more", "stairs", "no", "Daddy", and "Mommy" are just a few of the words you use on a regular basis. You love music and always ask for more. You are starting to sing....in a cute, monotone, kind of way...especially "If you're happy and you know it" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider."
As you can tell by the picture, I am still learning how to do your hair. In my defense, that morning, you decided bananas make great hair gel. You don't have much yet, but you are just now starting to want to wear barettes.
I wish I were better at recording all these milestones, but I'm just glad I get to experience them.

Hmmm....what do I want you to know about this time of your life?
I want you to know that before you came into our lives, I worried about what kind of mom I would be for you, and I suppose I still do, and always will. But lately, I've realized how much you have changed me. My heart has softened and opened up in such a profound way. Not only toward you, but towards others....although, your father at times might feel differently. =)
I find I worry more, but also cherish each moment. I feel like I understand a little more from where my own mother was coming. In fact, I realized this the last time mom came and visited. I love kissing you over and over on your cheeks, and mom did this to me the same way I now do it to you.
I also realize that you may not always appreciate my attachment to you. And in a way, I'm okay with that. I will always love you and be here for you and absolutely nothing will change that. I'm slowly gaining a better understanding of who God is and how He cares for us. My prayer for you is that you experience God's love and forgiveness for yourself. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy our walks to the park, laugh at your reactions to new experiences, and cherish every moment I have with you.
I love you,
What sweet sentiments! She sure is growing! (Loved the "bananas for hair gel" idea!...Maybe you should turn that into InStyle magazine?)
hey krista, thank u so much for the advice! i started my own blog now 2! i'm not as good as u with words, but i just love the idea of having all my pics and milestones at one place. thanks again! and hannah really is adorable!!! and i think she's got an awesome momma! :-)
Hey realworld,
who are you? where's your blog? I'd love to check it out, unless this is some sort of spam-reply thing...then I fell for it!
Actually, I think I know who you are.....but I won't reveal your true identity here. =) Welcome to blogging! Send me a link to your blog!
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