One particular blog I subscribe to, made a list of things she'd like to experience/accomplish in this lifetime. I enjoyed her list, but felt a bit leery to make my own for various reasons. One is that sometimes these lists can shift my focus onto things that won't last...until she convinced me it was worthwhile by challenging us to ponder these questions:
-What would surprise me if I found out I hadn’t done it by the time I died?
-What are the little things I expect to just unroll in front of me?
-What are the big, amazing things that absolutely wouldn’t happen without some heads-down, teeth-clenched work?
-What things have I been concentrating on that don’t really matter?
So I'm going to give it a try and post 25 at a time. If you feel so inclined, I'd love to hear your ideas and read your list!
1. Learn how to swim.
2. Write a song.
3. Run the New York City Marathon.
4. Ability to and continue to run.
5. Read everything by Henri Nouwen.
6. Start a business....maybe cake decorating??
7. Pray more and more.
8. Be comfortable in my own skin...body, personality, etc.
9. Hike Pikes Peak and Longs Peak.
10. Listen to Hannah read her first book and write her first sentence.
11. Buy Isaac a bass guitar and a piano.
12. Attend Isaac's graduation next June.
13. Finish my masters degree.
14. Always have time to make a meal, visit, serve, and encourage others.
15. Be willing to let others do the same for me.
16. Pay off our debt, mortgage and all, early.
17. Enjoy long conversations with Hannah, as an adult.
18. Enjoy long conversations with Hannah, right now. =)
19. Go camping, the rugged kind, and enjoy it.
20. Backpack Europe.
21. Explore Hawaii.
22. Take Tae Kwon Do lessons.
23. Recycle more and find ways to waste less.
24. Grow an herb garden.
25. Establish meaningful family traditions following the church calendar.
OK.. excuse my ignorance, but who is Henri Nouwen? I like #21 the best!! When shall we go?
What an interesting idea. I think that I too shall challenge myself to complete "the list". I will post it on my blog.
Thanks for the idea!
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