Monday, March 03, 2008

a day of firsts

This morning's events have made me realize I do way too much for Hannah. I think she's been capable of doing these for awhile, but in my hurry to move things along, I take charge. So today marks the beginning of some new responsibilities, er, opportunities...yeah, that's how I'll set it up.....for Hannah.

She made her bed and dressed herself from head to toe.

She completed this puzzle.


Trix said...

Just curious how the second day went?

The Southern Life of the Sweeney's said...

She is getting so big and grown up! Is her hair darker now?

krista said...

Trix-Well, she's dressed herself 3 days in a row now, but she's discovered that sleeping on top of the made bed is much more efficient. This is proof that she's my daughter. =)

Bambi-I think it might be, but it's so gradual that I haven't noticed's longer too!