I've heard Obama promised his girls a puppy after the election, and, even though he's not a puppy, I think Schaeffer would be a great addition to their family. I'm listing some reasons why the Obama family should pick Schaeffer as the First Dog, but please help me by adding to this list.
1. He's potty trained. You don't want to risk any messes on White House property!
2. He's a homebody. They wouldn't have to worry about him exploring and getting lost. He likes the safety of home!
3. His natural good looks. Perfect for photo opps!
4. He comes from the herding group. Corgis, even though they are short and small, know how to be bossy and get people moving....possibly aid in herding the Democrats and Republicans in the same room to work together. Who knows, maybe all they needed is a little bossy push from an unexpecting little furry friend.
5. He needs attention. Poor thing doesn't get much around here, but with the Obama girls and the press, he'd be in heaven!
Now I'm not going to lie, he does have a few setbacks. But depending on your perspective, it could make him more endearing, right?
1. His health. He either has a defective liver or a sensitive stomach. But if you feed him the specific kind of food, he's his happy, bossy self.
2. His tendency to bark. Annoying to some (me, especially), but maybe they'd appreciate knowing when people are approaching. I would imagine their family would want a little privacy and he definitely would inform them of any impending interruptions. Note: But if you give him some space to run off some of that energy, like the Rose Garden for example, it may not be as much of an issue.
Now this may not be the most persuasive, but it's honest...and they've got to appreciate that, right? Anybody have any more reasons I need to add to the list? This pregnant mama needs to reduce the number of living things she has to clean up after.....
Schaeffer sounds like a perfect little guy and if I didn't already have 2 dogs, I'd drive right over there to Illinois and adopt him myself! Apparently I'm a glutton for punishment when it comes to having living things to look after :)
Schaeffer is a handsome little guy. Look how he regally poses for a picture. Maybe you should try to give him to the Queen of England. He looks like royalty.
Schaeffer is very distinguished looking with those perky ears, bright eyes, and golden fur coat. His ears are similar to that of President elect Obama's making this a perfect match.
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