Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's about time

The 3 of you who read my blog are probably tired of looking at the picture of my poor dog. And well, I hear the Obamas need a dog that doesn't I quickly gave up hope there. And the Corgi rescue organizations are located in California. But if you know of a good home for him, PLEASE let me know.

I'm finally gathering my photos together from the past month. I don't have too many but here are a few of our family and especially our new addition and our most favorite Christmas present: Laurel Susanne.

Laurel Susanne
December 16th, 7:36 am
7 lbs, 18 3/4 in.

First family pic w/ Laurel....she's in my arms, really!

Fall 2008 family pic


Bobbi said...

What a sweet big sister! You know Laurel is going to adore her!

Gretchen Magruder said...

What a sweet family you have!!

amy said...

I was pretty tired of looking at your dog... lol I'm so excited to see pics of baby Gaff! A friend from our new small group had a baby boy on the same day. Congrats!!

The Southern Life of the Sweeney's said...

I miss you guys! Love H's green dress! :)

Susan Backer said...

Love the pictures. Thanks for posting. You do have a beautiful family. Miss you all.