Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Birthday girl

5 years ago today, I became a mom. One of the best days of my life.
Hannah is a beautiful, sweet-hearted little girl. I'm so proud of her and thankful she's in our lives.

Last Saturday, we went to Rader Pumpkin Patch for her birthday. Despite the mud, it was a good day for it! After a train ride, face painting, and picking pumpkins, we headed home for some cake!
Here are a few pictures in no particular order:

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My poor, sweet 2nd born...

I'm not near as good as keeping up with photos, let alone posting them here. I'm sure I have some valid reasons for it not being as easy, but still, I'm sorry, my little Sweet Pea.
So, here's what has been happening lately:
She's got two teeth. Two very sharp teeth.

And puts everything in her mouth. Everything. Especially if it's the bottom of a shoe. Or trash. Dirt is good too.

She LOVES to move and doesn't want to miss anything!
(With her partner in crime, Gabe, of course! Susan, I think we might be in trouble...)

Isaac had to lower her mattress, because she recently discovered how to pull herself up to sitting and standing!

Smiles and laughs come very easily to her....especially when her sister gives her attention.
(And yes, I really like the fish shirt.)

Laurel truly has brought even more light and laughter into our house.

Her name, Laurel Susanne, comes from two important people in my life. My prayer is that she will have the committment, love, and hard work ethic of her Grandma Sue and the open arms, listening ear, and sense of humor of her Grandma Jan (Laurel).

Disclaimer: My mom and grandma have many, many more wonderful traits....too many to list here! =)

A little push

This came in the mail.

It's my confirmation booklet for the marathon. Even after all this time I've invested, I'm considering not running. What really are my motives? Do I really think I have something to prove this time around? I only have one more really long run...what is my problem?!? Blah, blah, blah....
But I LOVE race day.
So the booklet got me out the door....today.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

8 1/2 months

Here are both my girls around the same age. Aren't they cute?!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Beach baby

It's been too hot for Laurel, but today we had enough cloud cover to
keep her happy. Luckily she has been a champion sleeper!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

For the grandmas

Here's a couple videos of Hannah showing off her ballet & tap skills. (Don't worry, Laurel was rescued right after the filming of these movies. =) ).

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Update in pictures

On the hunt for eggs.

Cousin Emma, Laurel, and Hannah posing in their fancy dresses.

Chillin' with dad

Cute bunny glasses lasted all but 5 minutes. But they were cute while they lasted!

This could be the reason why.....

They love each other. It's so cute to see them together. I may have to remind them of this in a few years.

Not living up to the outfit's claims. =)

Doesn't she look all grown up? She talks like it too....saying things like "I would rather..." or "I prefer....."

Hannah and the girls doing what they do best: play dress up.
The other day, Hannah said, "My name is Barbie Grace. Today we are getting married, but (dramatic sigh with eyes looking up to the skies) our princes are in jail. We have to rescue them."
I think we need to discuss raising the standards.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


I'm a sucker for these kind of things...

Answered by Hannah, age 4

1. What is something mom always says to you?
2. What makes mom happy?
- when I listen
3. What makes mom sad?
-when I don't listen
4. How does your mom make you laugh?
-when you say and do funny things
5. What was your mom like as a child?
-a present, a daughter, a hug
6. How old is your mom?
-Can you tell me? I don't remember.....33?
7. How tall is your mom?
-taller than me
8. What is her favorite thing to do?
-be on the computer
9. What does your mom do when you're not around?
-I don't really know.
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
-a baby
11. What is your mom really good at?
-ha ha, I don't know
12. What is your mom not very good at?
-that's not a good question
13. What does your mom do for a job?
-take care of me
14.What is your mom's favorite food?
-is it ice cream?
15.What makes you proud of your mom?
-When you give hugs and kisses to me.
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
-Dora, I guess.
17. What do you and your mom do together?
-play games
18. How are you and your mom the same?
-we have the same hair style
19. How are you and your mom different?
-different colors of eyes
20. How do you know your mom loves you?
-because you give hugs and kisses
21. What does your mom like most about your dad?
-he's funny
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?

1. What is something dad always says to you?
2. What makes dad happy?
-when I obey, same as you!
3. What makes dad sad?
-when I don't listen
4. How does your dad make you laugh?
-when he says funny things
5. What was your dad like as a child?
-a baby
6. How old is your dad?
-21? I don't know.
7. How tall is your dad?
-taller than the baby, actually
8. What is his favorite thing to do?
-play hide and seek with me
9. What does your dad do when you're not around?
-go to a grocery store
10. If your dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
11. What is your dad really good at?
12. What is your dad not very good at?
-he's good at everything
13. What does your dad do for a job?
-takes care of my baby sister and me and my mommy
14.What is your dad's favorite food?
15.What makes you proud of your dad?
-When he gives me kisses
16. If your dad were a cartoon character, who would he be?
-Boots or Benny
17. What do you and your dad do together?
18. How are you and your dad the same?
-we're pretty close to the same color of our eyes
19. How are you and your dad different?
-my feet are smaller and his are a little big
20. How do you know your dad loves you?
-because he has a heart
21. What does your dad like most about your mom?
-that you like him
22. Where is your dad's favorite place to go?
-is it Sam's Club or something?

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The last several days

-My sister Bobbi and her little girl, Jovi, came for a few days. It was so nice and continues to make me wish we lived in the same town.

-Laurel is "talking"! We joked that she's only been talking when Hannah is asleep....it's the only time she gets a word in!

Warning: long videos ahead

Probably only interesting to their moms and grandmas....and I promised mom I'd post a few.

Friday, February 13, 2009

For Grandma Sue

Here's a little bit of what Hannah is learning in dance class.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today is the day!

My "maternity leave" is over and the kids have returned.
I don't know who's happier....me or H. Either way, it's a good day.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

When did you realize you were an adult?

When the checkout girl addressed me as "Ma'am." Even then, I convinced myself that if she knew me, this clearly wouldn't have happened.

Married 11 years.
2 kids.
Found several gray hairs this past month.
Loves crosswords and jigsaw puzzles.

But still in denial. I'm probably going to be that weird old lady who dresses and acts like she's still in college. Or maybe I've already arrived.....

How I'd spend $1000

As much as I'd like to go on a weekend getaway with my hubby, I'd put it toward debt. Blech.

My first job: food service

Flipping burgers and scrubbing toilets

I was 15 and had to get a work permit from the school's guidance counselor. I don't remember exactly how long I lasted, but I definitely didn't make it past a semester. I was the newbie, and a really young one at that, so cleaning the bathrooms and the other popular jobs were lovingly assigned to me.


I found this new site that I'm going to try out. It gives daily prompts/ideas, which I'm hoping will encourage me to post more here! You should check it out....or post your answers in my comments....I want to know how'd you'd answer them as well!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

If you are on facebook, you're probably sick of reading these. But I've been at a loss of what to post here, so here's mine. I won't officially tag anyone, but I'd love to read yours!

1. I have 2 daughters: Hannah, 4 years old (going on 16) and Laurel, 6 weeks old.

2. I've been married 11 years to Isaac and am a better person because of him.

3. I stay at home with our girls. I really love it and don't regret our decision. But sometimes I feel a little lost, unsure of who I am and what I'm skilled at outside from being Mom. This season of life will fly by, so I'm just trying to not take it for granted.

4. I love to sing, but rarely listen to music. Mostly I listen to NPR. This must change....not NPR (It's great), just more music.

5. I've run 4 marathons...not fast, but I finished! This is probably most shocking to those who knew me growing up. Hoping to run Chicago again this fall. Someday I want to run the New York City marathon.

6. I strongly dislike seafood. I wish I could enjoy it, but the texture, look, and smell is too much for restraining the urge to gag.

7. I want to like camping. I've done it and still want to take my girls camping in Wyoming and Colorado, but the discomfort of primitive toilets or lack thereof eventually makes me grumpy.

8. I love baskets/containers.

9. My wardrobe is pretty plain and simple. I'm constantly on the lookout for the perfect pair of jeans and white shirt. Still haven't found them, and have too many close seconds.

10. Because of this, I secretly (I guess not now, huh?) want to be ambushed by the hosts of "What Not To Wear." I wouldn't mind the blunt honesty, and push to have some courage, I have to say. Plus, who wouldn't want a free shopping spree on top of having a couple personal shoppers?!

11. I grew up in northeastern Colorado and western Nebraska. I'll tell tales of walking uphill both ways to school, the Oregon Trail, and the many uses of the yucca plant to anyone who asks.

12. When eating warm or toasted bread, it must be pulled out of the toaster ASAP. The butter must spread smoothly, or it's no good. I don't think this is unusual, but apparently my husband thinks this is highly odd. This just seems obvious to me.

13. I'm a follower of Jesus. Disclaimer: These are in no particular order. He is a tad more important to me than my baskets.

14. I enjoy reading and discussing world views/philosophies. My beliefs of the world need to make sense, not just to ease my own concerns, but it needs to adequately explain the bigger picture and address the tough questions of the human condition.

15. Because of #13, I'm always game to join a book group.

16. In light of the this, I wish I were less emotionally attached to my opinions and ideas and more eloquent in talking about them.

17. I'm 33 and STILL am not completely comfortable in my own skin. Learning to accept my personality quirks and physical attributes has been a lifelong struggle. I'm guessing I'm not in the minority.

18. One of my biggest regrets is how I treated my sisters growing up. I love them dearly and wished I had learned way earlier how to process my own fear and insecurity without hurting those around me. I know some of it was typical sibling arguments, but it makes me very sad to think I may have truly and deeply hurt them.

19. I wish I would have practiced the piano more and kept up learning guitar. It's never too late, right?

20. I LOVE puzzles. And board games. I'll make a great old lady. I still want to be running marathons then too....does that make me more interesting?

21. When in the car, I add up numbers on license plates or houses. It's kind of exciting when they add up to 10. Weird, I know. I have no idea why, but have been doing this since I was a little girl. I wish I could at least say my little mental game included more impressive mathematics. But, nope. Just the sum of 10.

22. I like to scrapbook, but all my albums are unfinished. Plus, I try not to broadcast this...don't want to fit too much of the stay at home mom stereotype.

23. My favorite vacation: I usually tell people it was camping down the coast of California, but the truth is it was our week at a Mexican all-inclusive resort. (See #7)

24. Some personal goals: read everyday, reserve time everyday to play with my girls, lose the baby weight plus some, and become debt free.

25. Is a bit embarrassed at how much time I spent on this silly list.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

my cute kids

Laurel in her cute "baby legs"....thanks, Aunt Bobbi!

H all dressed and ready for her first dance lessons. She's excited, can you tell?!

I'm obviously no professional photographer, but here are a few pics of ballet and tap class.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

It's about time

The 3 of you who read my blog are probably tired of looking at the picture of my poor dog. And well, I hear the Obamas need a dog that doesn't shed..so I quickly gave up hope there. And the Corgi rescue organizations are located in California. But if you know of a good home for him, PLEASE let me know.

I'm finally gathering my photos together from the past month. I don't have too many but here are a few of our family and especially our new addition and our most favorite Christmas present: Laurel Susanne.

Laurel Susanne
December 16th, 7:36 am
7 lbs, 18 3/4 in.

First family pic w/ Laurel....she's in my arms, really!

Fall 2008 family pic