Thursday, January 29, 2009

When did you realize you were an adult?

When the checkout girl addressed me as "Ma'am." Even then, I convinced myself that if she knew me, this clearly wouldn't have happened.

Married 11 years.
2 kids.
Found several gray hairs this past month.
Loves crosswords and jigsaw puzzles.

But still in denial. I'm probably going to be that weird old lady who dresses and acts like she's still in college. Or maybe I've already arrived.....


The Southern Life of the Sweeney's said...

I realized I was an adult when I had to make decisions that involved deciding which method of asthma treatment for Wes was the lesser evil. Still don't know if we're making the right decision, but the kid has to breathe!

Susan Backer said...

I'm still trying to realize I'm an adult!!!

Bobbi said...

I don't know what you guys are talking about. I've been an adult for at least 17 years. :-)