Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Monday, November 08, 2010
Top 10 Reasons Why I Talk A Lot About Healthy Start: #9 My Mom
I'm sorry she had to wait for me to reach my 30's to begin to understand, even in just a small part, her experiences, losses, & sacrifices as a young mom.
She reminds me of and apologizes for falling short when I was young. But as the years pass and I've (too slowly) matured, I recognize I fall short on a daily basis as well. How can I hold this against her?
She loved us.
She stuck it out.
I love the Bible verse, 1 Peter 4:8, "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
Plus I have many memories of ways she came through for me, my sisters, and others around us:
-She read books and prayed with us every night before bed.
-She surrounded us in a supportive community at church and school.
-She was hospitable; offering a listening ear, meal, and our small home to people with deep struggles.
-She was determined to make a better life for us; even if that meant swallowing pride and accepting help for a time.
-She expected independence & responsibility from us....and remained consistent.
I'm still mourning the fact that it has taken me so long to recognize and commend Mom's efforts.
I'd like to take part in encouraging young moms; to not give up, even if you have a strong-willed child, like myself &
to take the hard road. It will pay off in the end.
Thanks, Mom. I love you.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Top 10 Reasons Why I Talk A Lot About Healthy Start: #10 Pete's Bandaid
Pete's Bandaid did that for me several months ago. Pete, a good friend of ours, works at the Baby Fold. This time was not the first time he spoke about his job, but his bandaid "badge" struck a chord with me.
For several days, he wore a bandaid with "400 women" written on it. This number represents the number of pregnant women last year who need support because they themselves are victims of neglect or abuse or are struggling in ways many of us cannot imagine. They need help....but the funds aren't there to offer support.
This bandaid conjured up a childhood memory when I was 5 or 6 years old. Walking home from Vacation Bible School, the pastor of the tiny church chatted with my mom and me. He noticed I was picking a scab on my arm, and gently pointed out that that scab was God's way of providing a bandaid and allowing my wound to heal. To pick it off was hurting and hindering that healing process. I've never forgotten that metaphor.
One of my favorite authors, Henri Nouwen, in his book, With Burning Hearts, defines the commonality of pain, "If there is any word that summarizes well our pain, it is the word 'loss.' We have lost so much!" As I've grown up, I've learned we all go through various losses...some much deeper than others. I've struggled with the question, if God cared about my scraped elbow, wouldn't He care about humans' experience of loss in all sorts of forms?
I continue to wrestle with this, but grow more and more convinced we are to be part of God's Bandaid. This verse has been a recurring anthem in my mind, "Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another." 1 John 4:11
It's overwhelming and paralyzing, at times, to find a place or a role in the world's healing process. But Pete's Bandaid was just the nudge I needed.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Am I more of a Sweet Mother or a Glucose Mother? Wait, don't answer that....
I'd love to hear a dramatic reading of this list....any takers?
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Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
The small world of my neighborhood

Now that H is going to Kindergarten at our cute, little neighborhood school, we're getting great opportunities to get to know our neighbors.
It's sad to say we've lived here about 9 years, and there are lots of families we haven't met. It's too easy to stay in my own little world, within my own four walls. But I digress.
H was invited to play at a classmate's house, just a few doors up. Turns out, this little girl's mom once worked at The Baby a case worker for Healthy Start!
Sidenote: If you follow my Twitter/Facebook account, I've been talking about this worthwhile program...and how I want to raise money for them. And just a warning, I plan on doing it more and more. =)
She was laid off two years ago, because of budget cuts. AND without my prompting, she asked if she could join me in volunteering for them. That, in and of itself, speaks to the character and quality of The Baby Fold's and Healthy Start's programs.
So, we're off to work in the storage closet in the next week! Excited to expand my circle of friends and even more, expand the Healthy Start's outreach!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Fireplace
Here's one memory that probably will never leave me, but still good to share.
(It was less painful to write this in third person....distances myself a bit. ;) )
The Fireplace Saga
Once upon a time, in a charming little neighborhood, a young couple bought their first house. The open house flyer described it as a "doll house."

And despite the avocado cabinets,

various shades of shag carpet,

and the colorful slate tile scattered around the house,

the couple signed their life away and moved in.
There was much updating to be done. Wallpaper, floors, cabinets, etc.
But there was one particular aspect of the house the husband could not tolerate.
The painted brick fireplace.

"What was wrong with it?" thought the wife. "Yes, it would be nice if the brick was back to its original state. But with the right decor, it would be fine.

Plus there were so many other projects to do...."
But the husband could wait no longer. The hideous white brick had to go. It must be restored to its natural beauty.
So on December 17, 2001 (or so, the wife isn't sure on the exact date, but is certain she had only one more week before Christmas), while the wife started her week at school, the husband, reassuring his wife how simple and quick this would be, set to work.
The night before in preparation, he built a "tent." So confident he could keep the dust contained in this "tent," he uncharacteristically asked his wife to take this picture.

"This tent would contain the dust brought in by the sand blaster," he promised.
His wife, knowing her dear husband had researched extensively before undertaking this project, was still leery of the tent. So at her request, he assured her he would cover all their belongings with tarps for extra assurance.
Monday morning, the wife wished her husband luck, and went off to work. As you may have guessed, the project was not as simple as the dear husband planned it to be.
The wife is unclear on ALL the details that unfolded that day, but here are a few of the obstacles he encountered:
-The rental store only had a larger sand blaster available.
One that had to be pulled by a truck.
One that was normally used for bridges.
Yes, you read that right.....BRIDGES.
-The dear husband ran out of sand....twice.
Hundreds of pounds of sand.
And STILL wasn't able to remove all the paint.

-The beloved tent?

Too painful for the wife to say much more on this.
-The promised tarps, for added assurance?
Nowhere to be found.
This remains a mystery.
And a sore subject.
Very sore subject.
The school day came to an end much quicker than the dear husband planned.
His wife had arrived home before he could warn her about what she was about to encounter. He saw her car pull into the driveway. He tried to meet her at the front door before she entered, but his beloved "tent" was in the way. So as he worked his way around the house from the back door, his wife stood at the door in horror at what her eyes were seeing.
The only thoughts she remembers repeating over and over were, "I'm going to kill him. Or at least inflict lots of pain. No, I'm going to kill him." There was no piece of furniture, book, ledge, or crevice that was not covered in ashy, dark dust.
Everything, EVERYTHING, looked like it had been through a fire or a sooty sand storm.
There was no room to enter through the front door, so the wife went around back only to run into her beloved husband in the driveway.
(This is where, what could only be described as divine intervention occurred.Something out of character happened.)
You see, the dear wife has a temper. When left to her own devices, she's not very patient. She has difficulty letting go of grudges.
But when she saw her husband, wearing the gas/dust mask around his neck, his face plastered with the same ashy, dark soot she had just seen, except for the large circles around his eyes from where the mask was, she got this uncontrollable urge to laugh. The kind of laugh where you can't speak. That brings tears...and the fear you're going to pee your pants.
She was overwhelmed with a sense of how ridiculously funny all this was and an empathy at how tortured her husband looked at the thought of his wife coming home to all of it.
There is no doubt God intervened that day.
Real tears and anger still came, but they remained tempered with the fact at how funny it all was.
Friends also helped soften the blow.
She'll always remember being told that this event will be a pivotal moment in her marriage. How she decides to react and handle it will contribute to which direction her relationship will go.
Then those wise dear friends came over and helped wash every ledge, dish, glass, book, window...until the dear couple's house felt almost new.

And one week later, the couple was able to decorate for Christmas.

The first Christmas in their home.
And even more remarkable, they were even speaking to one another.
For several years, the fireplace was left untouched.
Today, 9 years later, the fireplace looks like this.

Full of memories.
(And do you see the sand blasted brick peeking through?)
Yep, it's also loaded with personal lessons.
This doll house has character, but within the lives of its inhabitants, it's built a lot of character as well.
Monday, August 23, 2010
I was completely fine until....
First Day of School
She started school this morning,
And she seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside her
In the kindergarten hall.
And as she took her place beside
The others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
Those first few years can pass.
Remembering, I saw her as
She first learned how to walk.
The words alone that we alone made out
When she began to talk.
This little girl so much absorbed
In learning how to write.
It seems as though she must have grown
To girlhood overnight.
My eyes were blurred, but hastily
I brushed the tears away.
Lest by some word or sign of mine
I spoil her first big day.
Oh how I longed to stay with her
And keep her by the hand.
To lead her through the places
that she couldn't understand.
And something closely kin to fear
Was mingled with my pride.
I knew she would no longer be
A baby by my side.
But she must have her chance to live,
To work her problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn
What life is all about.
And I must share my little girl
With friends and work and play;
She's not a baby anymore-
She's in kindergarten today.
Now I'm a blubbery mess. Unexpected.
I blame that darn poem.
Tomorrow is the first official full day, so I best get it out now.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Hannah & Katie
In light of these two sweet girls heading to kindergarten in a few days, here's a photo I took of them somewhere between the ages of 1-2.

Here's a photo of them I took today.

They are now both big sisters to these cute kiddos:

-Gabe and Laurel are now about the same age as Katie and Hannah were in the first picture.
-Laurel is much less cooperative than Hannah was at her age. I think I'm in trouble.
These girls have grown up to be smart, independent, all-around great kids.
A lot is about to change for these two.
Full day kindergarten.
Losing teeth.
No, we're not moving.
Katie's family is moving in the next year or two. We still have time with them, but it will be bittersweet when that day arrives. I'm so thankful for the families I have had the opportunity to babysit. Little did I know that these dear people would become such good friends....for Hannah, Laurel, and myself.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A big day for H
-Lost her first tooth at Chili's. Corn on the cob does the trick!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sent from my iPhone
Sooo close...
Carving cake books, ugh. I know with more experience, I'll get better at the realistic look. But for now, I'm very grateful for that Gryffindor scarf! ;)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Harry Potter cake
Do you recognize any of these items from the books/movies?
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
Submit for you evidence on why I'm too quick to speak...
My friend, Janet, found a great deal and I can't resist those, so off I went.
My masseuse was friendly and a tad funny.
Here's our brief conversation before the session began:
Nice masseuse lady: (looking over my information) It looks like you aren't telling me the whole truth here on your chart....
Me: (laughing, trying to read if she's joking) must mean my age?
Nice masseuse lady: checked "no" for stress, but I see you have a 1 year old.
Fine. So I look every bit my 35 years.
But thank you, nice masseuse lady, for reminding me....It's my kids' fault.
Sent from my iPad
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Just trying to focus on one step at a time. Right now, I'm making the Snitch. If you're an HP fan, you'll know what I'm talking about...,
Sent from my iPhone
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Testing posts via the iPhone.
Here's a random, but wonderful photo taken by
My thoughts in a list
But I love the potential for community here. Sharing thoughts, getting responses from family, friends, strangers. There's something remarkable about social media....connecting people who wouldn't otherwise have a chance to share with one another.
So I'm going to try to return to blogging. Hoping all of you will put in your two cents. Please comment....the two of you who still read it, that is. :)
2. Staying at home has been a bit of a struggle for me. I know, this is far from a third world problem, and I keep reminding myself of the luxury of being able to stay home. It continues to be a lesson in humility...a lesson I expected to learn much more quickly than I have.
But over the last few months, I've found a couple outlets that I hope help me return more refreshed to my girls and to my God whose love & involvement in this world still baffles me.
3. I have a few goals for this virtual place:
-posting more photos of the girls for my family
-dreaming....and attempting to see if I can turn them into realities:
-documenting the journey of starting a custom cakes business. It's hard to put myself out there, afraid it may fail. But there it is. I hope writing about it will keep me motivated.
-Healthy Start....a preventative program that reaches out to young moms in my community who are struggling. I get to volunteer there and I have big dreams of helping raise money for them.
Okay. I put it out there. Now I have to do what I say I'm going to do. :)