Thursday, June 19, 2008

Playing Tag

Laurie tagged me, and this gives me something to post, so here goes:

My Joys:
*Anticipating baby #2
*Spending quality time with people I love.

My Fears:
*Money. Yuck. Still trying to be a better manager of it.
*Wasting my life on petty, temporary goals.
*Being too much of a know-it-all that I push people away.

My Goals:
*Accept myself as God does.
*Love and care for my family and friends.
*Running another marathon....Chicago 2009.

My Current Obsessions/Collections:
*'Crosswords, sudoku, and big surprise to anyone, I'm sure.
*Waffles. Not very healthy, the the waffle iron is rather dangerous, but oh the heavenly breakfasts I'm having!!!
(update: I sadly had to throw it away. Supposedly it's a fire hazard when the plug is VERY warm to the touch and the entire appliance exudes a burning rubber smell....)
*My coupon collection....I know, no surprise here either.

Random Surprising Facts About Me:
*My blood type is B negative.....I know, shocking, huh?
*I really, really dislike seafood.
*I don't know....I'm probably more of an open book than I care to admit. it's my turn to tag 4 people:

1. my sisters
2. my childhood friend Jen, from Iowa.....I think you might read this periodically. =)
3. Babs (Sorry, Vickie. I stole a tag from you!)
4. Steph


Susan Backer said...

I can vouch for the dislike of seafood. However, dislike is a much milder word than I would have used for you. "Gag"

Mary Sue said...

Okay, so I have my own version of TAG--go to my post.
Let's get together sometime this summer.

Jenn said...

Thanks for the tag! I accepted your challenge. It was fun to read your answers. It's just been so fun to get to "know" you again through your blog.

The Southern Life of the Sweeney's said...

I posted my tag on my blog. You motivated me to do more than pictures! Love you!