Wednesday, March 23, 2005


I finally figured out how to put links on my blog. Well, to be honest, Isaac figured it out, but either way, check out my fellow bloggers.

Vickie and Laurie are dear friends and were my college roommates for a time....great memories of laughter, soap operas, and soap stealing.

Isaac is my other (more intelligent) half. I told him not to put me as a link on his entries are too "bubble gummy" for his readers. He also started podcasting with two friends. I'm not sure I could explain it well, but from what I understand, it's an audio blog. It sounds like a radio show.

And then of course, I must include a link for more Hannah photos. A must see!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

just doin' my job

I work at home for a catalog landscaping company processing orders that come in the mail. It's been interesting to see what people will write or send with their orders. One of my responsibilities is to cross off any extra information the customer writes that isn't needed to process the order. Today is no different from any other....except for one order. This lady crossed out her husband's name on the shipping address and writes,"My husband died December 16th. I miss him so much my heart hurts."

What do I do? What CAN I do? Well, I do my job: cross off the unneccessary information so the order is processed.

But I am thinking about writing her. I haven't decided if this is stepping out of bounds.

Monday, March 21, 2005

How my heart feels

How my heart feels, originally uploaded by shmoopee.

Go Illini!

Go Illini!, originally uploaded by shmoopee.

Actually, we haven't been watching the games much, but tis the season!

Monday, March 14, 2005

Note to self

1. Eat more fruits and veges...the m&m's aren't helping you.
2. In the big scheme of things, doing dishes everyday won't kill you.
3. Remember when you listened to music all the time? Newsradio?! Are you 50?!
4. You are so lucky to have a great family and friends who love you. Don't take them for granted.
5. You are lucky you have legs to run. Don't take them for granted either.
6. God speaks in the everyday routines of life. Look for them.


My brain is tired from the events of the day. For a long time I have felt like I've been so consumed with a list of to do's, that I haven't taken time to challenge myself spiritually or intellectually. Any spare minute I have, I tend to sit in front of the tv and veg out. I'm definately not proud of this and long to read a reallly good book that makes me think and reflect. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


well, I'm back after taking care of a sick baby and husband. The flu is going around here and really wiping people out for several days! To be honest, that isn't the only reason why I haven't blogged lately. Turns out, this blogging thing is harder than I thought it would be. I read other blogs and admire their way with words and perspective on the everyday elements of life. I find myself thinking about lots of things I could blog about, but am not real skilled at communicating into words.

I'm one of those people who can't seem figure out the comedic timing when telling a story. I envy those people who can paint a picture with words and make you laugh, or really think. I think my problem is that I try too hard. I want people to think I'm smart, funny, kind, thoughtful, etc. I make it more about me, yet I take myself too seriously. So from here on out, I'm not going to worry about it as much. Easier said than done, but my effort begins now.