Wednesday, April 25, 2007

2 and half years!?

As I write this, you're sitting on the couch with a fever, watching Arthur and drinking juice....and whining to look at "Hannah" pictures. I think I've led you to believe that the only purpose of the camera is to capture you and your cuteness. Not that that isn't partly true, but I've got to let you down gently that there are other people out there that are important too. =)

You rarely get sick, which I'm grateful...but I have enjoyed the fact that you love to cuddle and lean on me for most of the day. I know these days are limited and I'm trying to cherish the ones that come.

I didn't realize this until Vickie pointed it out, but you usually refer to me as "Mama". At first I wasn't sure if I liked it. When I picture women who are called "mama" by their children, I see someone who looks more like Aunt Jemima and less like, well, Reece Witherspoon or something. But it's growing on me and feels more endearing than mommy or mom.

This phrase is overused, but you are growing up so fast. So much has changed even within the last couple months. Potty training and fighting for independence have been the primary challenges these past few weeks.

You are constantly talking and singing....whether or not there are people around. Every now and then, I'll find you in a corner with your piano singing whatever song comes to your mind.....or reading book after book to your favorite stuffed friends, Elmo, Dora, or Pooh. You love playing with your friends and anticipate each night at bedtime, "Wake up and see Katie & Addison?" You love having friends around, just like your mom. I'm so grateful for the family and friends we have that love and enjoy being part of your life.

My cousin gave you a vanily....and it has begun your relationship with the mirror. You love watching yourself make faces and talk. it's really cute, but I'm not ready for you to grow up too fast.

This age is so fun primarily because you are starting to say really funny things. You tend to pick up on grown-up phrases and apply them in many situations. Your new popular phrase is, "first of all" and inserting "actually" in your conversations. If Vickie calls you "Hanny," you've been saying, "My name is Hannah right now!" You tend to command instead of ask for things, so we are working on starting questions with, "May I." Your tone needs work, but you're getting the idea.

I write these letters periodically to record the milestones in your life as well as sit back and remind myself of my responsibility to you as your mother. But I find that words are so limited when I try to speak from my heart. Although it's hard to be too sentimental right now because at this very moment, you are pleading in a whiny voice, "Hannah"

So in this moment, these are the things I want you to remember: I love you. God loves you. People are important. I'm not perfect. But I'm here and will continue to try to show you God's love and grace in our lives. And you'll never be too old for me take care of you when you're sick.....or listen to you whine, I guess.

your mama

Monday, April 23, 2007

update in pictures

It's been awhile, so here are some of the past month's events:
-Road trip to Michigan with good friends, Pete & Janet. We were introduced to Sufjan Stevens & Danielson, among others, attended the Festival of Faith & Music, dined at Wonderdogs, and experienced good conversation.

-Birthday extravaganza, Omaha, Nebraska. My mom turned 50 and grandma turned 75! Really nice times just being with family.

-Vickie and I celebrated our birthdays (again) with Babs =) in Chicago. Good food, 3 trips to Ulta (or was it just 2?), carpet shopping, & manicures! (See Vickie's post on her blog.)

-Champaign apartment hunt: to ensure that the Formans really will return to us! (One of several places we looked at)

-Breaking in my new jogger!

-First official patio party....see Laurie's blog....she even came!

-Kite flying

-Terrific/Terrible Toddler stage...she's definitely challenging us.

-spring allergies...word of advice: get the stuff behind the pharmacy counter! That pseudoephedrine stuff is magic, I tell you.